Food for thoughts

                8 mins read ⏳

Some rules are unspoken and unwritten, yet everyone is expected to know. People won't have your back everytime so I'm going to write down some social rules you need to know and follow to make your life and others a lot easier

1. Don’t tell people more than they need to know, respect your privacy.
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2. Every challenge, hard time, and pain you endure will turn into Strength, Resilience and Blessings.

3. Don't argue with people who want to misunderstand you - starve them with silence.

4. Life is short, don’t forget to make a life and not just a living. 

5. You don’t need to explain yourself or get anyone’s approval to live your life.

6. Keep your standards high and don’t settle for something because it's available.

7. Boundaries are your responsibility, you decide what is and what isn’t allowed in your life.

8. You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to.

9. Never expect to get back what you give or you will always be disappointed.

10. Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from and don’t let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything.

11. If you keep waiting for the “right time” you will keep wasting all of your time.

12. Don’t let people trigger you. Control your reaction and leave them powerless.

13. Stop expecting loyalty from people who can’t give you honesty.

14. Accept people for who they are and not who you want them to be.

15. Life doesn’t always give us the experiences we want, it gives us the experiences we need to learn and grow. 

16. The best revenge is no revenge. Improve yourself and forget they exist .

17. The people who belong in your life want to be there, they don’t need to be chased .

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18. It takes time to build trust but only seconds to lose.

19. No one is going to come and save you because you are perfectly capable of saving yourself.

20. Don’t judge people and their choices when you don’t understand their reasons.

21. Don’t call someone continuously more than once unless it’s really urgent and if they don’t pick up, wait until they return the call. They might be sleeping, sick, busy, or have something important going on.

22. When someone takes you for lunch or dinner, don’t buy the most expensive dish on the menu. Also, treat them the next time.

23.Only suggest splitting the cheque evenly if your dish is the least expensive among the rest.

24. Don’t lend out what you borrowed. if it is not yours, don’t act as if it is.
Know this as you grow older.

25. Be nice and kind to waiters, cleaners, helpers, drivers, or anyone offering you a service and treat them with the same respect you’d give a manager or a CEO.

26. If you borrow money from someone, return it, even before they ask for it.

27. Be polite always.

28. Be Humble.

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29. Stay Focused.

30. Don't think you're always right.

31. If someone shows you a photo on their phone, don’t swipe left or right. If they want to show you what’s next they’ll do it.

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32. Two things you shouldn’t offer unless you are asked, an opinion and advice.

33. Don’t interrupt the person speaking. wait until they finish then say what you want.

34. When someone is speaking directly to you, give them your attention.

35. If you borrow someone’s car, fill up the tank before you return it.

36. Never go to someone’s place uninvited or without letting them know you are passing by in advance.

37. Don’t make plans in front of those you are not willing to invite, especially if it is at your place, your birthday, or a special occasion.

38. When someone tells you a secret, take it with you to your grave, even if you wake up as enemies the next morning.

39. Don’t break your promise, or don’t make one if you are not sure you can keep it.

40. Don't compare yourself to others you know why? Because in this universe your the person who is worth it.

41. If you feel like you're losing everything think about the trees who lose their leaves every day but still stand tall and wait for better days to come

42. Sometimes life will kick you around but sooner or later you realize, you're not just a survivor, you're a warrior and you're stronger than you think.

43. You are bravier than you believe. Stronger than you seem. 
Smarter than you think.
Loved more than you know.

44. Feeling sadness,angerness,being annoyed,scared, anxiousness and frustrated doesn't make you being a "Negative person" it makes you person.

45. Give your self another day,another chance. You will find your courage eventually just don't give up on yourself.

46. Remember that you are always worth it.

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47. Learn from Yesterday.
Live for Today.
Hope for tommorow.

48. Some people are going to leave but that doesn't mean that's the end.

49. Whenever you feel sad remember this in your mind: "Things are yet to happen. Life is yet to go. This is just a bend not an end! I can do this".

50. There is hope even when your brain tells you there isn't.

51. The sun is daily reminder that we can rise again even though we all go along with the darkness.

52. No one can make you happy, until you're happy with yourself first.

53. You yourself, as much as anybody in this entire universe, deserves your love and attention.

54. Making mistake doesn't mean your bad it's just your innerself cannot control it.

55. People will always judge you.

56. Remember this sometimes you need to be alone. Not to be lonely but to be free, enjoy yourself and see the beautiful wolrd take time to be free and make yourself happy until you feel okay.

57. Someday everything will make sense. So for now,laugh at your confusion,smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

58. Stay positive when it feels like your falling apart.
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50+ things you should know as you grow older

                      7 mins read ⏳

Growing up as kid, life can be tough. Don't give up easily because if you do, you'll have to start allover or worse, live with regrets.
Here are 50+ things you should know as you're growing older

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1).Stop overthinking, you’re only creating problems that aren’t there

2). Focus on loving yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you.

3). Don't lose yourself trying to fit within the people who don't understand you.

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4). Life is not a competition. Stop comparing yourself with others
5). It’s never too late - never too late to start over, never too late to be happy.

6). Find a heart that will love you at your worst, and find arms that will hold you at your weakest.

7). Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.

8). Your beauty starts in your head not in your mirror

9). The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your attention and your love.

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10). Never stop believing in yourself

11).Don't waste time looking for your purpose in life. Simply do what makes you feel alive.

12). Your past can affect you in future.

13). Blood is no longer thicker. Nowadays, strangers help us more than relatives. Relatives only accept you when you're successful.

14).No One Is Going To Save You
Not your mom, Not your dad, Not anyone.
You are the only one that can change your life, and you are the only one that can mess this up.

15). Never sit at a table where they talk about people. Sit at a table where they talk about goals, loyalty and money.

16). Your Life Will Never Be Perfect
Look at it this way If satisfaction and pleasure were permanent, then there would be ZERO incentive to continue looking for new benefits or advances in life

17). Working Hard Is Useless Without Direction.
You can not travel the world without knowing where to go, so how can you build your dream life if you have no direction?

18).A Negative Mindset Will Keep You In The Same Place Forever
Negative thinking makes you think bad about the world, about yourself, and about the future. This contributes to low self-worth.
While also making you feel like you're not good enough for the world

19). Don't feel guilty for doing what's best for you 

20). Always be ten minutes early to everything. After a while, it will become a habit and you'll never be late to anything again.

21). Stop telling others about your problems. 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.

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22). 7 Secrets of Success I found in my room
a, Roof: Am High
b, Fan: Be cool
c,  Clock: Everything minute is precious
d, Mirror: Reflect before you act
e, Calendar: Be up-to-date
f, Window: See the world
g, Door: Push hard to achieve your goals

23). A good leader was once a good follower

24). Never Accept a Private apology if the Humiliation was public

25). Your valueless to them isn't your final on earth,you are valuable to those who know your value

26).If it scared you, then it's a sign you need to do it

27). Don't feed every dog you see suffering, some need strength to bite you.
So be careful of whom you help

28). The silent response of a wise man is the disturbing spirit to his enemies, because they always don't know what is in his mind
29). Never fear anyone because people only lie when they are afraid.

30). A lie is a lie even when everyone believes it , The truth is still the truth even when no one believes it .

31). The more you love people, the more they hurt you.

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32). When you're angry, stay silent.

33).Never Assume That Loud Is Strong And Quiet Is Weak.

36). Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle any situation

37). To avoid disappointment, you need to take people for who they're not for what you want them to be.

38). When Life puts you in a tough situation; don't say  "why me", say "try me"

39).You're at peace with yourself when you mind your own business 

40). Ensure you take good care of yourself, if anything happens to you, the world will move on 

OPEN THIS: Moral Stories
41). If someone wants to treat you like a toy, be Annabelle

42).If you don't work to build your own dream, someone will hire you and give you a purpose 

43). Free yourself from the society's advice, most of them have no idea of what they're doing

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44). You're Awesome. Don't care about anyone's opinion

45). The power is in you. The answer is in you. You are the answer to all your searches. You're are the goal, it's never outside.

46). People's Judgments Don't Matter
It doesn't matter if they laugh at your or hate you for something you did, because in the end your still alive and breathing.
So get up and keep moving.

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47). It's okay to remove people without warning.

48). ."Do not speak about money in front of a poor person. 
Do not speak about your health in front of a sick person. 
Do not speak about your power in front of a weak person. 
Do not speak about your happiness in front of a sad person. 
Do not speak about your freedom in front of a prisoner. 
Do not speak about your mother and father in front of an orphan''. 
Because their wounds can not bear more

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49). Don't spend too much time thinking about a thing because you'll never get it done.

50). It's better to be a queen in the house of an ugly man than to be a slave in the house of a handsome man.

51). Be careful What You Tell People, A Friend Today Can Be An Enemy Tomorrow.

52). Whatever Season of Life you're I'm right now, remember that season changes.

53). Nobody cares, work hard to get better everyday.

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54). The pain of yesterday is the strength of tomorrow.

55). One day, you'll be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one.

56). Love your parents. Not everyone has got the opportunity.

57). Falling down is not a failure. Failure comes when you stay where you have fallen.

58).  3 things to know in life
a, Never beg anyone
b, Never fear anyone
c, Never depend on anyone

59). Everyone will show you who they are, just give them time.

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60).The first step is always hard but you'll be grateful

61). It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.

62). Always remember one thing. People only miss you when you look good or you're doing good.

63). Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind always.

64). The rain falls because the clouds can no longer handle its heaviness. Just like tears, they fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.

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65). A person who is book smart and streetwise is always dangerous and will always find a way to survive.

                Have a lovely week
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Must Read Inspirational Stories

6 mins read ⏳
Rather than searching the internet for cute kittens or becoming depressed, check out these motivational short stories.
It's time for me to inspire and make you smile.

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Moral Stories from around the world:

1) The Golden Touch of Midas
Once upon a time, there was a Greek King, Midas.
He was very rich and had lots of Gold. He had a daughter, who he loved a lot.
One day, Midas found an angel in need of help. He helped her and in return she agreed to grant a wish.
Midas wished that everything he touched would turn into gold. His wish was granted
On his way home, he touched rocks and plants and they turned into gold.
As he reached home, in excitement he hugged his daughter, who turned into gold.
Midas was devastated and he had learnt his lesson. Upon learning his lesson, Midas asked the angel to take his wish away.

Moral of the story
Greed is not good for you. Be content and satisfied to lead a happy and fulfilling life

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2) The Tortoise and the Hare
This is an extremely popular story about a hare and a tortoise.
The hare is an animal that is known to move quickly, while a tortoise is one to move slowly.
One day, the hare challenged the tortoise to a race simply to prove that he was the best. The tortoise agreed.
Once the race began the hare was easily able to get a head start. Upon realizing that the tortoise is far behind. The overconfident hare decided to take a nap.
Meanwhile the tortoise, who was extremely determined and dedicated to the race was slowly nearing the finish line.
The tortoise won the race while the hare napped. Most importantly he did it with humility and without arrogance.

Moral of the story
When you work hard and persevere, you can achieve your goals. Slow and steady wins the race.

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3) The Boy who cried wolf
A farmer asked his son to take their herd of sheep grazing every day.
While the boy watched over the sheep, he got bored and decided to have some fun.
So, he shouted, “Wolf! Wolf!”. Upon hearing this the villagers ran to help him chase the Wolf away.
As they reached him, they realized that there was no Wolf and he was just kidding. The villagers were furious and they yelled at the boy for creating chaos and panic.
On the next day and the boy shouted “Wolf!” again and once again the villagers came to help him and saw that there was no wolf. This made them very angry again.
On the same day, the boy saw an actual Wolf that has terrorizing the sheep. The boy cried “Wolf! Wolf! please help me” and no villagers showed up as they believed that the boy was joking again.

Moral of the story
Don’t play with people’s trust, when it matters the most, they won’t believe you.

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4) The Three Little Pigs

Three Little pigs was sent out into the world by their mother to learn.
The three pigs, all decided to build a house on their own.
The first pig built a house of straw because he didn't want to put in a lot of effort and was lazy.
The second pig was a little less lazy than the first and he made a house of sticks.
The third pig was hardworking and he put in lots of effort and built a house of brick and stone.
One day a wolf came to attack them. He huffed and puffed and blew the house of straw.
He then huffed and puffed and blew the house the sticks.
He huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed at the house of bricks but eventually was out of breath and left.

Moral of the story
Always work hard and it will pay off. Don’t try to take shortcuts to make things work.
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Suffering from depression?
Here's how to deal with it.

5) The Fox and the Stork
Once there was a Fox and a stork. The Fox was selfish but he decided to invite the stork for dinner. The Stork was extremely happy to be invited and she reached his house on time.
The Fox opened the door and invited her in. They sat on the table; The Fox served her some soup in shallow bowls. While the fox licked up his soup, the Stork couldn't drink it because she has a long beak and the bowl was too shallow.

The next day, the Stork invited the fox over for dinner. She Served him soup as well but in two narrow vases. While the Stork enjoyed her soup and finished it, the fox went home very hungry realizing his mistake.

Moral of the Story
Don’t be selfish because it will come back to you at some point

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6) The Ant and the Grasshopper
The ant and the grasshopper were best friends with very different personalities.
The grasshopper would spend his days sleeping or playing his guitar while the ant would collect food and build his ant hill. 

Every now and then, the grasshopper would tell the ant to take a break. However, the ant would refuse and continue to complete his work.

Soon winter came making the days and nights cold. One day the colony of ants were busy trying to dry some grains of corn. The grasshopper who was extremely weak and hungry came up to the ants and asked "Can you please give me a piece of corn?" the ant replied "We worked hard for this corn all summer while you relaxed, why should we give it to you?"

The grasshopper was so busy singing and sleeping that he didn't have enough food to last winter. The grasshopper realized his mistake.

Moral of the Story
Make use of opportunity while you have it and always be prepared.

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7) The Brahmin’s dream
A poor Brahmin lived in a village all alone. He had no friends or relatives. He was known for being stingy and he used to beg for a living. The food he got as alms were kept in an earthen pot which was hung beside his bed. This allowed him to easily access the food when he got hungry.  

On one day, he got so much rice gruel that even after completing his meal, there was so much leftover in his pot. That night, he dreamt that his pot was overflowing with rice gruel and that if a famine came, he could sell the food and earn silver from it. This silver could then be used to buy a pair of goats who would soon have kids and create a herd. This herd in turn could be traded for buffaloes who would give milk from which he could make dairy products. These products could be sold in the market for more money.

This money would help him get married to a rich woman and together they would have a son who he could scold and love in equal measure. He dreamt that when his son wouldn’t listen, he would run after him with a stick.
Wrapped up in his dream the Brahmin picked up the stick near his bed and started hitting the air with the stick. While flailing about, he hit the earthen pot with the stick, the pot broke and all the contents spilled over him. The Brahmin woke up with a start only to realize that everything was a dream.

Moral of the story
One should not build castles in the air.

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8) The Stork and the Crab
An old Stork lived on the side of a fish pond. He was too old to fish any longer, and he had to come up with an idea for food. Suddenly, he had a great idea.
He stood in the water with a sad face. A crab came up to him and ask him why he was so unhappy.

The Stork said "I've heard that this pond is going to dry up soon and now I have to fly away to another pond."
Concerned, the crab asked the stork to save the animals in the pond as well.
He would take a couple of fish in his beak and fly away towards another pond. Once he would reach far out of sight the pond, he would eat them. He did this many times.

Now it was the crab’s turn. As they were flying the crab looked down but could not see a pond however he saw a lot of fish bones. The crab immediately realized what was happening and grabbed the stork’s throat tight with his sharp claws. The stork struggled to get free. But the crab held on. Soon the stork fell to the ground. The crab crawled back to his pond to tell the story to the rest of the pond creatures.

Moral of the story
Too much greed is bad for you and will only cause you harm

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9) The Blue Jackal Story:
Once there was an adventurous jackal who frequently strayed into the village looking for food. The Village was filled with dogs that scared the jackal. Although he was scared of the dogs, the jackal loved food and travelled to the city again and again.

One day, as he was going to enter a house, he heard barking. He was shocked to find a gang of dogs running towards the house. They looked violent and caused the jackal to panic. He ran and tumbled into a tub of blue dye. The dogs couldn’t see him and they ran another way.

Now the jackal was completely blue from head to toe. He appeared very different from any other animal. The jackal was pleased as no one would be able to recognize him and he could easily fool anyone in the jungle.
Just like he had thought, everyone in the jungle was surprised to see such an unusual animal.

The small animals, the lion and the tiger all asked who he was and who had sent him.
“I have been sent by God himself to look after you. I will now be the king of the jungle” The jackal said.

The lion protested saying he had always been the king of the forest.
“From now, that must change and all of you must serve me” The Jackal happily said.

Some animals like the tiger protested and asked what would happen if they didn’t obey him. He replied saying God would destroy the entire jungle if they didn’t.

Scared for their lives and their jungle, the animals asked the blue Jackal what he would like them to do.
“Bring me lots of food” said the blue jackal promptly.
The animals quickly scurried and returned with lots of food for the Jackal.
He had so much food that he gave his leftovers to the other animals and told them that they had to serve him fresh food every day.
He even threw out the pack of jackals from the forest because he knew that they could identify him some day.

The blue Jackal was very happy with himself for fooling the entire forest and was happy to be away from the city dogs.
But one day the banned pack of jackals was walking around the forest and howling loudly. The blue jackal began howling out of habit too.
Because of this mistake, the other animals quickly identified him as a jackal and destroyed him.

Moral of the story:
Be true to yourself and don’t pretend to be someone you are not.

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