Showing posts with label Biology Jokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biology Jokes. Show all posts

50+ Funniest Biology Jokes

                      10 mins read ⏳

If you work in a lab, you already know science jokes are hilarious.
Life is funnier with jokes and puns.
Be sure to share with your family, friends and colleagues.
Here are the funniest biology jokes on the internet that I gathered:

1. 2 blood cells met and fell in love.
Alast, it was all in vein!

2. Why are biology teachers also great philosophers?They give great life lessons!

3.When a plant is sad, what do the other plants do?Photosympathise!

4.Biology is important.Its a matter of life and death!

5.Whats the tiniest virus?Smallpox!

6.What type of flower does everyone own?Two-lips! 

7. Why are the viruses all gone?Because they flu away!

8.Why did the biologist break up with the physicist? They had no chemistry.

9.Where do hippos go to university? Hippocampus.

10.Why are men sexier than women? You can’t spell sexy without xy.

11.What did one cell say to his sister cell when she stepped on his toe? Mitosis!

12.Why was the amoeba sad? His parents just split.

13.Why did the bacteria cross the microscope? To get to the other slide.

14.What did the femur say to the patella? I kneed you.

15.Why wouldn’t the scientist go into the haunted house? He was too petrified.

16. What does a biologist tell you when you have to give blood? B positive!

17.How did the English major define microtome on his biology exam? As an itsy bitsy book.

18.How many biologists does it take to change a light bulb? Four. One to change it and three to write the environmental-impact statement.

19.A male frog calls the psychic hotline. He is told, “You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you.”
The frog is thrilled. “This is great,” he says. “Will I meet her in a bar?”
“No,” says the psychic. “In her biology class.”

20.What do you call the leader of a biology gang? The nucleus.

21.Why do biologists like to travel? It makes them more cultured.

22.Why did the scuba diver fail biology? He was below 'C' level.

23.I made a DNA joke in my biology class but no one laughed. Guess my thymine was off.

24.What’s the difference between a dog and a marine biologist? One wags a tail and the other tags a whale.

25.Did you hear about the famous microbiologist who traveled to 30 different countries and learned to speak six languages? He was a man of many cultures.

26.How does Juliet maintain a constant body temperature? Romeostasis.

27.Y’all want to hear a potassium joke? K.

28.Why can’t a plant be on the dark side of the Force? Because it can’t make food without the light!

29.Why did the woman break up with the biologist? He was too cell-fish.

30.Teacher: “What is the definition of a protein?”
Student: “A protein is something that is made up of mean old acids.”

31.If H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice? H2O cubed.

32.What do football players wear on their heads? Helminth.

33.What’s the tiniest virus in the world? Smallpox.

34.Today in biology class we were dissecting an eye. I kept thinking of jokes but they were getting cornea and cornea.

35.We just hired a new molecular biologist. Wow, isn’t she small?

36.One flower looks at the other and says, “You hungry?”
The second flower responded, “I could use a light snack.”

37.Biology professor: “Hello, class. Today we will be learning about the liver and the pancreas".
Biology student: “Ugh, I hate organ recitals".

38.How does a marine biologist end a conversation? Sea you later and he waves 'goodbye'!

39.Why do biologists look forward to casual fridays? They’re allowed to wear genes to work.

40.What do biologists post on Instagram? Cell-fies.

41.What did the male stamen say to the female pistil? “I like your ‘style' ".

42.Why did the biologist not water all of the plants? Because they couldn’t find the thyme!

43.I wish I was adenine then I could get paired with U.

44.What did the endoplasmic reticulum say to the Golgi? “I like your body,” it said. Golgi replied, “It’s complex".

45.What is the fastest way to determine the sex of a chromosome? Pull down its genes!

46.Why aren’t students allowed in the biology teachers’ lounge? It’s for staph only.

47.What did the avid recyclers name their triplets? Polly, Ethel, and Ian.

48.What did the biologist wear on his first date with the pretty girl? Designer genes.

49.What is blood’s message to the world? B positive.

50.What would you call the scientific study of real estate? Homology.

51.Biology is the only science in which multiplication is the same thing as division.

52.What did Gregor Mendel say when he founded genetics? “Woopea!”

53.Baby, I wish I were DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.

54.A fellow accidentally ingested some alpha-L-glucose and discovered that he had no ill effect. Apparently he was ambidextrose.

55.Where did the viruses go? They flu away.

56.Girl, you’re so hot you denature my proteins.

57.What did one eye say to the other?Between you and me, something smells.

58. I was reading a book on helium.
I couldn’t put it down.

59. My biology teacher decided to create vocal cords with stem cells. The results really speak for themselves.

60. Why was the girl worried about biology class?
She has a Nervous System.

61. Is there a big difference between male and female anatomy?
Yes, a vas deferens.

62. That's DJ Enzyme. He always breaks it down!
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63. A doctor, a health insurance agent, and a lab tech walk into a bar. Who pays the tab?
The patient.

64. What’s the opposite of Nutrition?

65. If you've ever wondered how biologists contact each other.
They use their cell-phones!

              Have a lovely day!
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