Food for thoughts

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Some rules are unspoken and unwritten, yet everyone is expected to know. People won't have your back everytime so I'm going to write down some social rules you need to know and follow to make your life and others a lot easier

1. Don’t tell people more than they need to know, respect your privacy.
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2. Every challenge, hard time, and pain you endure will turn into Strength, Resilience and Blessings.

3. Don't argue with people who want to misunderstand you - starve them with silence.

4. Life is short, don’t forget to make a life and not just a living. 

5. You don’t need to explain yourself or get anyone’s approval to live your life.

6. Keep your standards high and don’t settle for something because it's available.

7. Boundaries are your responsibility, you decide what is and what isn’t allowed in your life.

8. You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to.

9. Never expect to get back what you give or you will always be disappointed.

10. Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from and don’t let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything.

11. If you keep waiting for the “right time” you will keep wasting all of your time.

12. Don’t let people trigger you. Control your reaction and leave them powerless.

13. Stop expecting loyalty from people who can’t give you honesty.

14. Accept people for who they are and not who you want them to be.

15. Life doesn’t always give us the experiences we want, it gives us the experiences we need to learn and grow. 

16. The best revenge is no revenge. Improve yourself and forget they exist .

17. The people who belong in your life want to be there, they don’t need to be chased .

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18. It takes time to build trust but only seconds to lose.

19. No one is going to come and save you because you are perfectly capable of saving yourself.

20. Don’t judge people and their choices when you don’t understand their reasons.

21. Don’t call someone continuously more than once unless it’s really urgent and if they don’t pick up, wait until they return the call. They might be sleeping, sick, busy, or have something important going on.

22. When someone takes you for lunch or dinner, don’t buy the most expensive dish on the menu. Also, treat them the next time.

23.Only suggest splitting the cheque evenly if your dish is the least expensive among the rest.

24. Don’t lend out what you borrowed. if it is not yours, don’t act as if it is.
Know this as you grow older.

25. Be nice and kind to waiters, cleaners, helpers, drivers, or anyone offering you a service and treat them with the same respect you’d give a manager or a CEO.

26. If you borrow money from someone, return it, even before they ask for it.

27. Be polite always.

28. Be Humble.

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29. Stay Focused.

30. Don't think you're always right.

31. If someone shows you a photo on their phone, don’t swipe left or right. If they want to show you what’s next they’ll do it.

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32. Two things you shouldn’t offer unless you are asked, an opinion and advice.

33. Don’t interrupt the person speaking. wait until they finish then say what you want.

34. When someone is speaking directly to you, give them your attention.

35. If you borrow someone’s car, fill up the tank before you return it.

36. Never go to someone’s place uninvited or without letting them know you are passing by in advance.

37. Don’t make plans in front of those you are not willing to invite, especially if it is at your place, your birthday, or a special occasion.

38. When someone tells you a secret, take it with you to your grave, even if you wake up as enemies the next morning.

39. Don’t break your promise, or don’t make one if you are not sure you can keep it.

40. Don't compare yourself to others you know why? Because in this universe your the person who is worth it.

41. If you feel like you're losing everything think about the trees who lose their leaves every day but still stand tall and wait for better days to come

42. Sometimes life will kick you around but sooner or later you realize, you're not just a survivor, you're a warrior and you're stronger than you think.

43. You are bravier than you believe. Stronger than you seem. 
Smarter than you think.
Loved more than you know.

44. Feeling sadness,angerness,being annoyed,scared, anxiousness and frustrated doesn't make you being a "Negative person" it makes you person.

45. Give your self another day,another chance. You will find your courage eventually just don't give up on yourself.

46. Remember that you are always worth it.

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47. Learn from Yesterday.
Live for Today.
Hope for tommorow.

48. Some people are going to leave but that doesn't mean that's the end.

49. Whenever you feel sad remember this in your mind: "Things are yet to happen. Life is yet to go. This is just a bend not an end! I can do this".

50. There is hope even when your brain tells you there isn't.

51. The sun is daily reminder that we can rise again even though we all go along with the darkness.

52. No one can make you happy, until you're happy with yourself first.

53. You yourself, as much as anybody in this entire universe, deserves your love and attention.

54. Making mistake doesn't mean your bad it's just your innerself cannot control it.

55. People will always judge you.

56. Remember this sometimes you need to be alone. Not to be lonely but to be free, enjoy yourself and see the beautiful wolrd take time to be free and make yourself happy until you feel okay.

57. Someday everything will make sense. So for now,laugh at your confusion,smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

58. Stay positive when it feels like your falling apart.
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