Showing posts with label Predictions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Predictions. Show all posts

Baba Vanga Predictions for 2023

                  4 mins read⏳

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

I bet everyone's excited for 2023!!!

Congrats for coming into 2023!!!

Wondering what will happen this year?
No worries, I've got you covered. 
According to a blind psychic known as the Nostradamus of the Balkans, Baba Vanga, who died 27 years ago in 1996 aged 84, made five terrifying prophecies for 2023 before her death.

She predicted that the Earth will witness a solar storm in 2023.

During the storm, the solar surface erupts and sends plasma and electrically charged particles towards Earth which could form an aurora, which of course can lead to mass blackouts, communication breakdowns and so on.

A global nuclear disaster might be the cause of the Earth changing its orbit.

 According to her, parents will be able to decide the color, height, weight and other characteristics of their babies before they are born.
Research is going on to make it possible and as per biotechnologists' calculations, lab babies will take years to become reality. 

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One of the predictions of Baba Vanga was an alien attack. According to her, millions of people will die if aliens visit the planet in 2023.

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The prediction appeared to have some weight to it because earlier this year it was reported that Kent residents were issued a water warning for 'essential use only'.

The locals where warned by South East Water to reduce their water use as heightened demand and sweltering temperatures had already moved the county to 'Red status'.

However it's not just the UK seeing water shortages because in July it was reported countries like Portugal and Italy were telling citizens to try and restrict their water usage. 

6. Bio-weapons:
Bio-weapons which are a subset of weapons of mass destruction, produced for the intention of causing mass destruction.
As per Baba Vanga’s prediction, a ‘big country’ will carry out biological weapons research thereby resulting in the deaths of thousands of people.

        Have a lovely day!
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Nostradamus Predictions for 2023

                  7 mins read ⌛

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2023 is in few days time. You're probably wondering what will happen next year.
Will it be an easy year or a tough year?
While you and I continue to speculate about what might occur next and how the world will respond to it, some great philosophers, astrologers, physicians, ancient texts and so on have provided instances of possible future developments.
Let's talk about Nostradamus's predictions for 2023.
According to the French astrologer, apothecary, physician, and reputed seer; in his book, Les Prophéties(1555) , sooner and later we will all see great changes made, dreadful horror and vengeance.

  ᴛᴏᴘ ᴘʀᴇᴅɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ʙʏ Nᴏsᴛʀᴀᴅᴀᴍᴜs (2023)

1. Mars Landing:
In his book book 'Les Prophéties’, he mentioned "light on Mars falling". 
This means that humans might enter Mars(the red planet) in 2023.
SpaceX founder and new Twitter owner Elon Musk has long suggested that humans will land on Mars by 2029.

2. Celestial Fire:
In another of Nostradamus' predictions, the astrologer alludes to a "Celestial fire on the Royal edifice."
The event is closely connected with the occurrence of a firestorm. 
Throughout the bible, 'doomsday' or the "end of times" has always referenced fire as the key factor in the end of the world.

3. New Pope:
The third prediction of Nostradamus which is quite popular is the change in Pope. 
The future Pope who succeeds Francis is Nostradamus's upcoming prediction for 2023. The next Pope, he said will start a controversy and Pope Francis will be the last authentic Pope the Catholic church will ever see. 
In his book, Les Prophéties, he said:

"In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will be Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”

4. World War 3
One of the first predictions that stand out for 2023 is 'a great war'. In his 1555 book of predictions, one line particularly stands out: "Seven months great war, people dead through evil."

"Rouen, Evreux shall not fall to the King."

This prediction may be made in light of the probability that the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine could trigger World War III in the coming year.
It also adds that the French city of Rouen will be safe, insinuating that Paris could be in danger.

5. New world order:
According to Nostradamus' prophecy, the global power structure will change, and there is a greater likelihood that a new alliance between two superpowers would form.
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6. Civil Unrest:
The Reputed Seer predicted:
 "Sooner and later you will see great changes made, dreadful horrors and vengeances."

Another reads: 

" The trumpet shakes with great discord.

"An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven:

"The bloody mouth will swim with blood;

"The face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground."



7. Global warming:
According to Nostradamus' prophecy, the global power structure will change.
He wrote: 
Like the sun the head shall sear the shining sea: The Black Sea’s living fish shall all but boil.

"When Rhodes and Genoa half-starved shall be, the local folk to cut them up shall toil.”

             Have a lovely day!

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