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50+ things you should know as you grow older

                      7 mins read ⏳

Growing up as kid, life can be tough. Don't give up easily because if you do, you'll have to start allover or worse, live with regrets.
Here are 50+ things you should know as you're growing older

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1).Stop overthinking, you’re only creating problems that aren’t there

2). Focus on loving yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you.

3). Don't lose yourself trying to fit within the people who don't understand you.

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4). Life is not a competition. Stop comparing yourself with others
5). It’s never too late - never too late to start over, never too late to be happy.

6). Find a heart that will love you at your worst, and find arms that will hold you at your weakest.

7). Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.

8). Your beauty starts in your head not in your mirror

9). The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your attention and your love.

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10). Never stop believing in yourself

11).Don't waste time looking for your purpose in life. Simply do what makes you feel alive.

12). Your past can affect you in future.

13). Blood is no longer thicker. Nowadays, strangers help us more than relatives. Relatives only accept you when you're successful.

14).No One Is Going To Save You
Not your mom, Not your dad, Not anyone.
You are the only one that can change your life, and you are the only one that can mess this up.

15). Never sit at a table where they talk about people. Sit at a table where they talk about goals, loyalty and money.

16). Your Life Will Never Be Perfect
Look at it this way If satisfaction and pleasure were permanent, then there would be ZERO incentive to continue looking for new benefits or advances in life

17). Working Hard Is Useless Without Direction.
You can not travel the world without knowing where to go, so how can you build your dream life if you have no direction?

18).A Negative Mindset Will Keep You In The Same Place Forever
Negative thinking makes you think bad about the world, about yourself, and about the future. This contributes to low self-worth.
While also making you feel like you're not good enough for the world

19). Don't feel guilty for doing what's best for you 

20). Always be ten minutes early to everything. After a while, it will become a habit and you'll never be late to anything again.

21). Stop telling others about your problems. 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.

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22). 7 Secrets of Success I found in my room
a, Roof: Am High
b, Fan: Be cool
c,  Clock: Everything minute is precious
d, Mirror: Reflect before you act
e, Calendar: Be up-to-date
f, Window: See the world
g, Door: Push hard to achieve your goals

23). A good leader was once a good follower

24). Never Accept a Private apology if the Humiliation was public

25). Your valueless to them isn't your final on earth,you are valuable to those who know your value

26).If it scared you, then it's a sign you need to do it

27). Don't feed every dog you see suffering, some need strength to bite you.
So be careful of whom you help

28). The silent response of a wise man is the disturbing spirit to his enemies, because they always don't know what is in his mind
29). Never fear anyone because people only lie when they are afraid.

30). A lie is a lie even when everyone believes it , The truth is still the truth even when no one believes it .

31). The more you love people, the more they hurt you.

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32). When you're angry, stay silent.

33).Never Assume That Loud Is Strong And Quiet Is Weak.

36). Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle any situation

37). To avoid disappointment, you need to take people for who they're not for what you want them to be.

38). When Life puts you in a tough situation; don't say  "why me", say "try me"

39).You're at peace with yourself when you mind your own business 

40). Ensure you take good care of yourself, if anything happens to you, the world will move on 

OPEN THIS: Moral Stories
41). If someone wants to treat you like a toy, be Annabelle

42).If you don't work to build your own dream, someone will hire you and give you a purpose 

43). Free yourself from the society's advice, most of them have no idea of what they're doing

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44). You're Awesome. Don't care about anyone's opinion

45). The power is in you. The answer is in you. You are the answer to all your searches. You're are the goal, it's never outside.

46). People's Judgments Don't Matter
It doesn't matter if they laugh at your or hate you for something you did, because in the end your still alive and breathing.
So get up and keep moving.

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47). It's okay to remove people without warning.

48). ."Do not speak about money in front of a poor person. 
Do not speak about your health in front of a sick person. 
Do not speak about your power in front of a weak person. 
Do not speak about your happiness in front of a sad person. 
Do not speak about your freedom in front of a prisoner. 
Do not speak about your mother and father in front of an orphan''. 
Because their wounds can not bear more

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49). Don't spend too much time thinking about a thing because you'll never get it done.

50). It's better to be a queen in the house of an ugly man than to be a slave in the house of a handsome man.

51). Be careful What You Tell People, A Friend Today Can Be An Enemy Tomorrow.

52). Whatever Season of Life you're I'm right now, remember that season changes.

53). Nobody cares, work hard to get better everyday.

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54). The pain of yesterday is the strength of tomorrow.

55). One day, you'll be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one.

56). Love your parents. Not everyone has got the opportunity.

57). Falling down is not a failure. Failure comes when you stay where you have fallen.

58).  3 things to know in life
a, Never beg anyone
b, Never fear anyone
c, Never depend on anyone

59). Everyone will show you who they are, just give them time.

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60).The first step is always hard but you'll be grateful

61). It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.

62). Always remember one thing. People only miss you when you look good or you're doing good.

63). Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind always.

64). The rain falls because the clouds can no longer handle its heaviness. Just like tears, they fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.

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65). A person who is book smart and streetwise is always dangerous and will always find a way to survive.

                Have a lovely week
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